The QiYi Magic Clock is a magnetic clock puzzle by popular speedcube manufacturer QiYi. For a long, long time, LingAo and Rubik's dominated the Clock market. It wasnt until 2020 that ShengShou also came along and released a factory magnetised clock.
We now proudly introduce the first QiYi clock to be readily available in the UK. With over 200 individual magnets, the QiYi clock is by far the most complex of all 4. Out of the box it is smooth and fast with a considerable magnetic feel.
Unlike other clocks on the market, the QiYi Clock uses a 'nut and bolt' method of tightening down the outer shell, this allows the QiYi Clock to be tensioned and opened for easy lubrication. It doesn't matter if you love Clock, or hate Clock. Everybody needs one of these in their collection.
Weight: 127g