Getting Started
So, you're just getting started on your speed cubing journey. Let's walk through a few things and guide you into making the best decision. We'll talk you through magnets, lubes and basic essentials to get you started.
First things first, let's go through a few things you need to know before buying your first speed cube.
There's a few options when it comes to magnets, but what do they all mean?
Let's find out...
Non-magnetic cubes have absolutely no magnets hidden inside them. This means that layers must align at the hands of the cuber.
Magnetic cubes have strong magnets hidden in the edge pieces and the corner pieces which makes aligning layers super easy. Most cubers these days are magnetic.
Maglev cubes feature magnets inside the edges and corners but also have more magnets under the center caps. Most older cubes used a spring to keep tension, newer (maglev) cubes use 2 repelling magnets to create tension.
Ball-core cubes are often magnetic (as before) and also maglev. They also feature magnets at the base of the corners which attract (or repel) from magnets surrounding the core of the cube. Often maglev and ballcore cubes are ultra fast and responsive making them feel really good to new cubers but to an experienced cuber they are uncontrollable. Speed is not always a good thing when it comes to speedsolving.
Best Selling 3x3's
These are our best selling 3x3's (in order). Most of them are MoYu.
MoYu are great at creating cheap, reliable puzzles that the cubing community love. Scattered amongst the best sellers will be GAN cubes. GAN are super popular but are on the higher end of the pricing bracket, with many of the releases being up in the £40-£70 mark. When starting out, we highly recommend the MoYu RS3M line (either the 2020 or the new V5 Standard).
You'll need a Timer
You need a way to accurately record your solves. That's were a speed cubing timer comes in super handy. Browse our range of timer and see which one suites your style 😎 (We recommend the QiYi Timer)
Optional: But HIGHLY Recommended
Cubing mats are a great way to protect your cube and your desk. When walking around your local WCA Competition, you'll be hard pressed finding a cuber that doesn't use a cube mat. Imagine all the times your slamming your cube down onto the table to stop your timer as fast as possible. It's certainly not doing the plastic corners of your cube any good. A soft mat solves that issue and they start at as little as £5.
Optional: But HIGHLY Recommended
Cube stands and cube pouches are a great way at both showing off your cubes for display (stands), or keeping them safe and scratch free whilst in storage (pouches). Our KewbzUK pouches are great for 2x2-3x3 and some smaller 4x4/5x5 cubes.