
2x2 Core Comparison

Want to find out what that old 2x2 is? You can use the 2x2 core comparison images below to help you figure it out.

Chuwen Core

DaYan 2x2 50mm Core

DaYan 2x2 46mm Core

DaYan TengYun 2x2 M Core

GAN 249 V2 Core

Giiker i2 Core

QiYi Jelly Core

MoYu MF2S Core

MoYu MeiLong Core

MoYu WeiPo WR M Core

MoYu XingHen M Core

QiYi Cav Core

QiYi QiDi Core

QiYi WuXia M Core

ShengShou Gem Core

ShengShou Legend Core

ShengShou Mr M Core

ShengShou Tank Core

Valk 2 LM Core

MoYu WeiPo Core


YJ RuiPo Core

YJ YuPo Core

YJ YuPo Plus M Core

YuXin Little Magic Core

YuXin Little Magic M Core

MeiLong 2x2 Magnetic Speed Cube Core

MeiLong 2x2 M Core

QiYi MS 2x2 Magnetic Core and Internals | 2x2 Speedcubes

GiYi MS 2x2 Core

MoYu ZhanLang 2x2 Magnetic Core and Internals | 2x2 Speedcubes

MoYu ZhanLang 2x2 Core

MoYu XingHen TSM 2x2 Magnetic Core and Internals | 2x2 Speedcubes

MoYu XingHen TSM 2x2 Core

MoYu MF2C 2x2 Core and Internals | 2x2 Speedcubes

MoYu MF2C 2x2 Core

MoYu MeiLong Macaroon 2x2 Core and Internals | 2x2 Speedcubes

MoYu MeiLong Macaroon 2x2 Core

GAN GSC 2x2 Magnetic Core and Internals | 2x2 Speedcubes

GAN GSC 2x2 Core

GAN 251 2x2 Magnetic Core and Internals | 2x2 Speedcubes

GAN 251 M 2x2 Core

CubeStyle/LeFun Carbon 2x2 Core and Internals | 2x2 Speedcubes

CubeStyle 2x2 Carbon Core

YuXin Black Kirin 2x2 Core and Internals | 2x2 Speedcubes

YuXin Black Kirin 2x2 Core

YJ YuPo V2 M 2x2 Magnetic Core and Internals | 2x2 Speedcubes

YJ YuPo V2 M Core

YJ MGC2 Elite 2x2 Magnetic Core and Internals | 2x2 Speedcubes

YJ MGC2 Elite 2x2 Core

YJ GuanPo 2x2 Core and Internals | 2x2 Speedcubes

YJ GuanPo 2x2 Core

ShengShou 2x2 Core and Internals | 2x2 Speedcubes

ShengShou 2x2 Core

QiYi XMAN Flare 2x2 Core Internals | 2x2 Speed Cubes | KewbzUK

X-Man Flare M Core

GAN MonsterGo MG 2x2 Core Internals | 2x2 Speed Cubes | KewbzUK

GAN MonsterGo Core

DianSheng 2M 2x2 Core Internals | 2x2 Speed Cubes | KewbzUK

DianSheng 2x2 M Core

QiYi QiDi W 2x2 Core Internals | 2x2 Speed Cubes | KewbzUK

QiDi W Core

QiYi Neon 2x2 Core Internals | 2x2 Speed Cubes | KewbzUK

QiYi Neon Core

MoYu RS2M 2x2 Core Internals | 2x2 Speed Cubes | KewbzUK

MoYu RS2M Core

DaYan TengYun V2 M Plus 2x2 Core Internals | 2x2 Speed Cubes | KewbzUK

TengYun V2 M Plus Core

DianSheng S2M 2x2 Core Internals | 2x2 Speed Cubes | KewbzUK

DianSheng S2M Core

YuXin Little Magic V2 M 2x2 Core Internals | 2x2 Speed Cubes | KewbzUK

YuXin Little Magic V2 M Core

QiYi MP 2x2 M 2x2 Core Internals | 2x2 Speed Cubes | KewbzUKite 2x2 Magnetic Core and Internals | 2x2 Speedcubes

QiYi MP 2x2 Core

GAN 251 Pro M 2x2 Core Internals | 2x2 Speed Cubes | KewbzUK

GAN 251 M Pro Core

GAN 251 Air M 2x2 Core Internals | 2x2 Speed Cubes | KewbzUK

GAN 251 Air M Core

MoYu WeiPo WR S 2x2 Core Internals | 2x2 Speed Cubes | KewbzUK

MoYu weiPo WR S Core